简介: Set in the 24th century and decades after the adventures of the original crew of the starship Enterprise, this new series is the long-awaited successor to the original "Star Trek" (1966). Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the all new Enterprise NCC 1701-D travels out to distant planets to seek out new life and to boldly go where no one has gone before.
Set in the 24th century and decades after the adventures of the original crew of the starship Enterprise, this new series is the long-awaited successor to the original "Star Trek" (1966). Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the all new Enterprise NCC 1701-D travels out to distant planets to seek out new life and to boldly go where no one has gone before.展开
大卫·休默/Arjun Athalye/杰登·巴特尔斯/斯坦尼·布莱登/Elijah M. Cooper/沙基纳·贾弗里/Galilea La Salvia/山姆·麦卡锡/Dawn McGee/Francesca Noel/阿娜·奥缇兹/Eloise Payet/克里斯托弗·保罗·理查兹/凯拉·坦塔/威尔·菲茨/
大卫·休默/Arjun Athalye/杰登·巴特尔斯/斯坦尼·布莱登/Elijah M. Cooper/沙基纳·贾弗里/Galilea La Salvia/山姆·麦卡锡/Dawn McGee/Francesca Noel/阿娜·奥缇兹/Eloise Payet/克里斯托弗·保罗·理查兹/凯拉·坦塔/威尔·菲茨/